Our Story

Pastors Bryan and Peter went to the West Village in New York City to pre-record a sermon entailed, “Step Out and Stand Up,” at the historic Stonewall Inn. The sermon highlighted historical figures such as Marsha P. Johnson, James Baldwin, Audre Lorde, and Bayard Rustin for standing up for LGBTQ issues. Pastors Bryan and Peter's plans were disrupted by a protest that was planned by LGBTQ youth, taking a stand against police brutality and black transgender murders. For Pastors Bryan and Peter, the protest was the praxis of our sermon, so they joined the rally.

Pastors Bryan and Peter had a visceral response to the hurt and pain the community was experiencing. Pastors Bryan and Peter did not see any clergy to help heal those woes. It dawned on them that perhaps God was calling them to this group of people. At one point, Pastor Peter lead “Somebody’s Hurting My [Siblings],” a protest song with a gospel flare. The crowd was receptive and thankful for Pastor Peter’s contribution.

Pastors Bryan and Peter feel that God spoke to them individually to start a church named "The Community Church of New York City." Pastor Peter asked Pastor Bryan what he thought of the idea, and Pastor Bryan confirmed that God had spoke to him about starting The Community Churhc of New York City. Pastors Bryan and Peter spoke to Rev. Dr. Aaron Wade, who at that time was the Pastor of the Community Church of New York City, about starting The Community Church of New York City. With the assistance of the Community Church of Washington, DC. The Community Church of New York City was birth.

On Sunday, June 27, 2022, Pastors Bryan and Peter held an intrest meeting to present the vision for The Community Church of New York City. The following individuals were in attendance: Rev. Peter Simmons-Scie, Min. Bryan Simmons-Scie, Rev. Dr. Nichele Carter-Peterson, Faith Carter-Peterson, Vincent M. Davis, and Mark Penn.

Pastors Bryan and Peter incorporated the Community Church of New York City on June 27, 2020, which was one year from the date that they preached the sermon "Step Out and Stand Up." The intial directors are: Rev. Peter Simmons-Scie, Min. Bryan Simmons-Scie, Rev. Dr. Nichele Carter-Peterson, Faith Carter-Peterson, and Vincent M. Davis.

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